Pelican beaver carving

Chainsaw carved pelican and beaver
How to start chainsaw carving
  1. Choose the right chainsaw: Select a chainsaw that is appropriate for the size and type of carving you want to do. A smaller chainsaw is usually easier to maneuver and control, while a larger one may be more powerful but harder to handle.
  2. Wear the right safety gear: Always wear protective gear, including eye and ear protection, a hard hat, gloves, and steel-toed boots. Long pants and a long-sleeved shirt are also recommended.
  3. Prepare your work area: Make sure your work area is clear of any obstacles, and set up a workbench or sawhorse to hold your piece of wood while you carve.
  4. Plan your design: Draw or sketch out your design on the wood before you start carving. This will help you stay on track and avoid making mistakes.
  5. Start carving: Begin by making a rough outline of your design, using the chainsaw to remove larger sections of wood. Be sure to work slowly and carefully, and take breaks often to avoid fatigue.
  6. Refine your carving: Once you have the basic shape of your carving, use smaller chainsaws, chisels, and other tools to refine the details and add texture to the surface of the wood.
  7. Sand and finish your carving: Sand your carving to smooth out any rough spots or splinters, and apply a finish such as paint, varnish, or wax to protect it and bring out the natural beauty of the wood.

Remember, safety should always be your top priority when chainsaw carving. Never carve alone, always keep the chainsaw blade sharp, and never operate a chainsaw when you’re tired or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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