Beautiful Oak island resort golf course near 18th hole you will find this tree that was given a second life, chainsaw carved two owls and vine out of a oak tree that is probably three times older then any of us. I felt honor to have the opportunity to give a new life and respect back a tree that has given us air and shad for so many years.
Beautiful Manitoba maple tree that is chainsaw carved sculptured in a Winnipeg back yard. Owls perched on top for the tree are met by a twisting vine stands 10 feet tall. Maple being a very hard wood, details well with the sculpturing tools but it does make the tools work for it. The carving is then burned with a torch to remove any fuzz then sanded one last time before coating in log home oil .Most oil base stain is obsolete now but there are still a some that are grandfathered because of the good reputation and great product. I would recommend a coat every 3 to 5 years will keep this sculptor protected many years.